Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Your fears confirmed: "up to" broadband speeds are bogus

Your fears confirmed: "up to" broadband speeds are bogus

Please!!! Don't tell me this comes as a surprise to anyone. Seriously?!?!?

We have known, since the beginning of time, that business never gives anything for free. You want "REAL" 10/bit, get a metro-E circuit for about $1000 a month. Otherwise, it's always been "best effort" which loosely translates to "no effort" (Can you hear me AT&T, Comcast, and all you other ISP that claim thusfar unrealized high speeds) Hey...prove me wrong, and I will gladly post a retraction - seriously, I'll even apologize.

And this goes hand-in-hand...

What if ISPs had to advertise minimum speeds? In Hungary, they do

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